Maybe I had it all along.
But yeah, pimples.
I'm blogging now cause I prolly wouldn't have time to later.
"Jane, can you not be so lazy.
We going holiday already, you still like that.
Can you please finish up your homework or not.
You always make me very upset leh.
Can you please go and chiong tmr?"
- Quoted from Mummy on 16/6/09
So, being a good and angelic girl.
I shall do it today.
As much as possible.
You know my mum always taps on my soft and kind spot.
She uses that tone of voice.
Which makes me feel guilty.
And I do whatever she says.
I may change my playlist soon.
I'm starting to get sick of the songs.
Urgh, life sucks.

Look at my pretty nails.
I can't stand it, so nice.
HAHA, but the ends have kinda came off.
See what boredom does to me.
And yes, I am that unglam at home.
Yiting probably knows.
I remember there was once I was wearing some aloha floral shorts.
When I went to the MRT to pick her last year.
And she was laughing at it the whole day.
Gosh, I can't stand my sister's singing.
If I could record it and post it, I would.
It's so horrible, I think even the wood will crack.
Sorry, but I really can't stand it.
My mother can't sing, not even hum.
My sister hums/sings off pitch.
I think my dad was a rockstar.
He claims to be able to sing.
But all I hear is him screaming.
P/s I think fat people can sing.
Cause we have big diaphragms.
Peace outzz.
P/p/s Combined Choir on 27June at Bukit Timah.
Dammit man.