Taylor Swift's You're Not Sorry makes me emotional.
Nostalgic, a bit?
Okay, I'm bored.
So I'll do Tracy's quiz.
Cause she asked me to.
1) How many texts are in your inbox?
I bet you can count them with your short stubby fingers.
2) When did your last hug take place?
When Sir Stamford Raffles found Singapore.
3) Are you a jealous person?
4) Are you tired right now?
5) Do you chew on your straws?
Eww? No!
6) Have you ever been called a tease?
Wth is that?
7) Do you like to cuddle?
No. Touch me, and I'll slap you.
8) Do you cry easily?
No. Very unlikely that anyone would see me cry.
9) Are you a heavy sleeper?
No, i also suffer from insomia.
10) Where is your cellphone?
Idk, I think in my pouch.
11) Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6months?
No, stay away.
12) Are you mad at someone right now?
13) Do you believe love at first sight?
I guess so, but does it even matter?
14) What makes you laugh out loud?
Horny sh!t.
15) Who was the last person you talked to?
16) Name one person on your top friends who is most like you.
Eunice? First name that popped up, cause she's horny sh!t man.
17) Do you get butterflies when around the person you like?
No comments.
18) Will you get married?
I doubt so. Marry me, that guy is siao?
19) When was the last time you smiled?
Er, at ... I think yesterday. But I can't remember the time :\
20) Does anyone like you?
Everyone does, DUH?
21) Do you secretly like someone?
Chace Crawford! But it's kinda public eh.
22) Who was the first person you talked to today?
23) Who do you most feel comfortable talking to about anything?
I can talk to anyone about my life. But not go into too personal details lah.
24) What are you NOT looking forward to?
Coucillor's Camp, Secondary School Life Talk, Choir etc.
25) Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and they meant it?
Someone has but idk if he meant it? Of course have lah!
26) Suppose you see you ex kissing another person what would you do?
I don't have an ex. But if I don't like him, who cares?
27) Are you a forgiving person?
No, you will have to buy me tonnes of presents(:
28) What's something you really want right now?
Er, that's a tough question. Nothing actually D:<
29) Have you fallen for you best friend's ex?
Eww? They got meh?
30) What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Nuts, HAHA.
31) Have you ever kissed anyone named Michelle?
I've got 3 friends named Michelle, but No. But I know they wanna kiss me(:
32) Who was the last person you drove with?
Daddy Mummy Sistar.
33) How late did you stay up last night, and why?
Er, at ... 11+? Cause I was gossiping with Eunice and I couldn't find the bloody camera charger!
34) If you could move somewhere else, would you?
I wanna stay in Singapore but I wanna live in a ... BUNGALOW.
35) Do you prefer calls or texts?
Texts please. Calls are awkward!
36) When was the last time you cried, really hard?
When I watched a sad movie I guess. Can't remember.
37) Who took the profile picture?
38) Who was the last person you took a picture of?
My cute, fashionable shoes.
39) Can you live a day without TV?
40) Who do you want to do this?
People that wanna do this and ...
1. Eunice
2. Ilyana
3. Cherie
4. Audrey
5. Dayna
6. Angelica
Okay enuff alr lah.
Quizes are so fun to pass time(:
Make me do more!
And freakin tag!